This page has useful documents and tools for download.
Club membership information
- Adult membership form (new joiner)
- Adult membership form (renewal)
- Under 18 membership form (new joiner)
- Under 18 membership form (renewal)
- Club Constitution
- Disciplinary and appeals procedure
- Safeguarding Policy
- Shooting etiquette
- Code of Conduct
Classifications and awards tables
- Outdoor classifications for Recurve, Compound, Barebow, and Longbow
- Indoor classifications
- 252 award scheme
Shooting tips and exercises
With thanks to our Chairman for putting the following two documents together!
The below documents and tools have not been created by Rickmansworth Archery Club and any rights belong to the document creator – they are just here for convenience.
Archery GB resources
Archery GB has also put together a series of videos featuring Archery GB Coach Lloyd Brown on how to shoot a Recurve bow. See here